Thursday, May 7, 2009

What Is English?

It was once thought that English was the most difficult language to learn. It is a vast language that evolves more quickly than any other language. Being a Latin based language; English has an extensive vocabulary with complex grammar, punctuation, and syntax rules. Some even consider it to be one of the most advanced languages on the planet. Like other languages, learning English requires diligence, hard work, passion, enthusiasm, and an effort to make learning it part of your everyday life. Determination will make you prevail at mastering the English language.

If you truly want to be fluent in it you will need constant daily practice, a variety of study materials, lesson plans, guidelines, audio tapes, and possible even a tutor or mentor. With constant daily practice and a deep and sincere interest, you can make learning English easily attainable. With hard work on your part, you can soon be a fluent speaker and master of the language.

Study Tips

When you learn English, you will come across new words all the time. Even native speakers find new words in English that they have not heard before. For this reason, you should make it a habit to look up and write down the definition of any and all new words you come across. Then make an effort to learn how to pronounce them correctly and how they should be used in context.

After you have looked the word up, try to assign the word to its meaning in your language. Think of it as a new way of describing a particular action, object, or feeling. When you strive to translate a new word and assign it meaning in your language you are better able to retain the new word.

Then make an effort to replace that word with one of equal value in your language. Sometimes this is not possible. Even so, often there is a counterpart in each language that corresponds to the new word. This will enable you to memorize new words much more quickly than just by memorizing their sound and meaning and moving on.

If the definition of the new word seems elusive to you than simply look up its synonyms and antonyms. Often this will lend a clue into the meaning of the word. Doing this regularly will also impress upon your mind and make you learn English easily.

When you can easily recall these words in your mind be sure to begin using them regularly. Write them down, use them when you take notes, speak them to yourself when you reason. Make attempts to formulate sentences with these new words. Then try to play with the new words you are learning and the words you have already mastered. Switch out mastered English words for unfamiliar ones. This will teach your mind how to create speech patterns with your new language.

Once you have mastered the beginning levels of English it is time to move onto reading lessons, audio tapes, and dialogues. Be sure to use these as soon as you can grasp simple written or spoken sentences. By reading texts, following along in texts with audio recordings, and using listen and repeat dialogue tapes, you can continue to build a solid foundation in your new language.

Remember, even though English seems easy, it is a vast and difficult language to fully master without full attention and determined effort.
With the right tools and the right mindset, you can really become a fluent speaker over time. As long as you do not take shortcuts when learning you will find that you too can learn English easily.

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