Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How To Learn English!

For thoese that are wondering how you can improve your English. Here are 10 tips which may help you to master the English Language!

1. Speak without Fear
The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear. They worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all. Don’t do this. The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again until you get it right. Like anything, learning English requires practice. Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want.

2. Use all of your Resources
Even if you study English at a language school it doesn’t mean you can’t learn outside of class. Using as many different sources, methods and tools as possible, will allow you to learn faster. There are many different ways you can improve your English, so don’t limit yourself to only one or two. The internet is a fantastic resource for virtually anything, but for the language learner it's perfect.

3. Surround Yourself with English
The absolute best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it. Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English language radio broadcasts, watch English news, movies and television. Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English material that you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinking in English.”

4. Listen to Native Speakers as Much as Possible
There are some good English teachers that have had to learn English as a second language before they could teach it. However, there are several reasons why many of the best schools prefer to hire native English speakers. One of the reasons is that native speakers have a natural flow to their speech that students of English should try to imitate. The closer ESL / EFL students can get to this rhythm or flow, the more convincing and comfortable they will become. If it's possible, I encourage you to get a pen pal and even a mentor that helps you and give you advise in English. It's also good to make friends and speak English to them. Remember the more you make it a natural process of speaking and listening the more you will learn.

5. Watch English Films and Television
This is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective. By watching English films (especially those with English subtitles) you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors. If you listen to the news you can also hear different accents. I especially encourage you to repeatedly see one film, then watch different films that you aren't able to understand. If you watch one film repeatedly it's easier to grasp the meaning and catch the listening part.
6. Listen to English Music
Music can be a very effective method of learning English. In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension. The best way to learn though, is to get the lyrics (words) to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the artist sings. There are several good internet sites where one can find the words for most songs. This way you can practice your listening and reading at the same time. And if you like to sing, fine. I also love this method, I learned English in my teenage years by listening and memorizing and singing along pop songs. I just felt so good and happy and at the same time I was learning.

7. Study As Often As Possible!
Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and doing exercises, can you really improve your knowledge of any language. Try to study alittle every day instead of procrastinating over the weekend or for several hours. Do it has a daily activity.

8. Do Exercises and Take Tests
Many people think that exercises and tests aren't much fun. However, by completing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English. One of the best reasons for doing lots of exercises and tests is that they give you a benchmark to compare your future results with. Often, it is by comparing your score on a test you took yesterday with one you took a month or six months ago that you realize just how much you have learned. If you never test yourself, you will never know how much you are progressing. Start now by doing some of the many exercises and tests on this site, and return in a few days to see what you've learned. Keep doing this and you really will make some progress with English. This is a good way to evaluate your English level, try to take TOEFL or TOEIC tests. It's good to measure where you are at in order to determine where you are going.

9. Record Yourself
Nobody likes to hear their own voice on tape but like tests, it is good to compare your tapes from time to time. You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much. I did this alot when I was learning and improving my English. I would read segments of myself and record it and play it back and listen to how I said or pronounced words. This is a definite help to improve your speaking skills.

10. Listen to English
By this, we mean, speak on the phone or listen to radio broadcasts, audiobooks or CDs in English. This is different than watching the television or films because you can’t see the person that is speaking to you. Many learners of English say that speaking on the phone is one of the most difficult things that they do and the only way to improve is to practice. The best way is to listen to English or have a MP3 player or English radio and listen to it as much as you can. Although it's tedious and doesn't seem to work, one day you will be able to hear and understand what people are saying in English.


Have fun! Keep in mind that learning English is also alot of fun. Consider it learning a new culture but in language and you'll enjoy every moment of it!

Monday, June 8, 2009

On the News - North Korea

Journalists detained in North Korea

I heard the news that two American Journalists were detained a few days ago in North Korea. North Korea sentenced them Monday to 12 years of hard labor for crossing into its territory, intensifying the reclusive nation's confrontation with the United States. Lee, 36, is Korean-American and speaks Korean, but it is not clear how well. She lives in California with her husband and 4-year-old daughter Hannah. Ling, 32, is Chinese-American and a native of California.

I was particularly shocked about this news because one of the Journalist who was detained was a sibling of a well known TV host, Lisa Ling. She is National Geographic "Explorer" TV journalist Lisa Ling. So I saw her many times on Oraph and news segments on current affairs before.

The Obama administration said it would pursue "all possible channels" to win the release of Laura Ling and Euna Lee, reporters for former Vice President Al Gore's TV media venture mentioned.

According to a foreign journalist who visited NK, he says each year, scores of journalists are invited to cover everything from glitzy festivals to picturesque mountain resorts and showcase factories. But everyone must obey the rules. The rules are constantly changed to make spontaneous exchange with ordinary citizens very difficult.

Cell phones and GPS's are a no-no, trips to the countryside without permission are almost always forbidden, with the occasional but rare exception. Most journalists are shepherded by a guide wherever they go, which is usually to view monuments of Kim Jong il and his deceased dad.

While residents of Pyongyang are less afraid to interact with foreigners than, say, a decade ago, they "won't speak to journalists without permission,". Even at the joint South and North Korean industrial complex at Kaesong, just north of the Demilitarized Zone, journalists don't really expect to land interviews with regular North Koreans.

Many people here in the states or anywhere in the world know very little about North Korea except that its dictator 'Kim Jung Il'. Kim Jung il took power over in 1994 when his father, Kim il Sung, died at age of 82.
Kim Jong-il assumed title of grand secretary of the Workers' Party and he is the chairman of the National Defence Commission, but does not take title as president. Instead he calls himself, "Great Leader" or the eternal president. Most of the time the people of North Korea are brainwashed and educated that Kim Jung Il will take care of them and lead them to victory over any warfare particulary, with the U.S.

North Korean people are very strickly monitored and do not have much freedom. Politically, Pyongyang has accused successive South Korean governments of being US "puppets" continously. I do feel remorse toward the majority of the North Korean people because they do desperately need more humanitarian needs for basic supplies to survive like food, bread, rice and electricity and daily goods we usually take for granted.

So far, Pyongyang has already ignored two overtures by the Obama Administration. Even for Obama, Talks with Kim Jong-il may be a Mission Impossible.

Source: TIMES

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Food vocabulary

I think learning English through food or any material or books in our everyday life is a easy way to get to learn English faster. Here are some vocabulary that are associated with food.
Try to think of how they are used in paired up phrases as Uncountable Nouns.

A lot of food is made up of uncountable nouns, to make them countable you need to put them in another form.

For example:-

"A ...... of ......".="A piece of fruit."

Here is a list of some of the uncountable nouns in this vocabulary list and some ways to make them countable.


Uncountable Nouns

asparagus: A bunch of asparagus.

beef: A slice of beef.

bread: A slice of bread.

broccoli: A piece of broccoli.

butter: A pat of butter.

corn: An ear of corn.

fruit: A piece of fruit.

garlic: A bulb of garlic.

honey: A pot of honey.

jam: A jar of jam.

lamb: A leg of lamb.

pepper: A pot of pepper.

pork: A joint of pork.

rice: A grain of rice.

salt: A pinch of salt.

spaghetti: A strand of spaghetti.

sugar: A cube of sugar.

Rainy day? Try Japanese hot soup

Such a grizzly day today.. the weather forcast said it will be rainy for the weekend on..

On these type of days, doesn't everybody want to just stay home and cuddle up in front of a firewood place with a cup of soup. Maybe pick a good movie and just chill out?

When I think of hot soup, I usually think of hot and spicy ramen. For thoese of you who agree with me and just suddenly had a craving for hot Japanese soup and ramen.

Here is a great place to try some original Japesene ramen.

There are few Japanese restaurants in Los Angeles that are capable of providing the authentic experience of the taste and service level of 'Nippon' so to speak. But I think this is a good place to try out. Why not try out a hot and spicy bowl of soup and ramen on a cold and gloomy day like today..

Monday, June 1, 2009

Britains Got Talent - Unknown to Stardom

Less than a few weeks ago Susan Boyle was a virtual unknown.

However, since auditioning for Britain’s Got Talent, a televised talent competition, she has experienced a stratospheric rise to fame.

A YouTube video of her audition has been watched by more than 26 million people, making it one of the most watched videos on the internet in recent times.

It is undeniable that technology such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter has helped to spread the word about Susan’s performance.

So just what is it about Susan that the people find so fascinating? Arguably, it is the fact she is such a class act. However, many have suggested that her biggest appeal lies in her unassuming persona.

Susan’s persona and appearance have been somewhat controversial and the initial reaction to her audition has made many people question whether they are guilty of judging a book by its cover.

With her plain Jane, middle-aged looks and her no-nonsense approach to life, Susan is perhaps the most unlikely star to be discovered of late.

Commenting on her rise to fame, Max Clifford, a renowned PR guru, said that the massive public interest in her is partly due to people having to challenge their own assumptions and prejudices.

Looking forward, with talk of record contracts and celebrity duets, it is very likely that we’ll soon be seeing a Susan Boyle album in the charts!

Vocabulary List:

plain Jane
ordinary, average, not very attractive or interesting female (a set informal saying)

PR guru
somebody who is respected for their knowledge of a particular subject (here, public relations, or PR) and often asked for advice

showing dislike for something or someone for no good reason

to spread the word about
to make many people aware of/know about

a virtual unknown
not at all famous

experienced a stratospheric rise to fame
became widely known very quickly

! Remeber whenever you are reading any type of articles or news sements, always keep note of the new words when you are reading. Look them up and read the words in contexts. It'll help you learn words effectively and faster..

Vocabulary - On the News

Here are some vocabulary that are assositated with News.


broadcast journalism
news on television or radio

print journalism
written news in newspapers, magazines, etc.

online journalism
news on the internet

citizen journalism
a new expression describing the kind of journalism based on images, audio and reports sent in to news groups by ordinary members of the public who witnessed events

independent media
media groups which are not controlled by the government

newspapers (traditionally larger in size) which generally contain serious reports and analyses of news

newspapers (usually smaller than broadsheets) which contain lighter stories and focus more on entertainment and gossip

24 hour news channels
stations which provide news all day and night

rolling news
non-stop news


to cover a story
to report on an event or development

in-depth coverage of
a thorough analysis of

to verify
to check that something is correct

eyewitness reports
descriptions of what happened by people who actually saw an event take place

breaking news
news which is just coming in


how many copies of a newspaper are sold each day or each week

advertising revenue
the money a firm makes by selling space to other firms to advertise their products

Source: BBC Ameria

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Want to learn English? Learn English through lyrics

Learning English through songs is a good way to practice your speaking skills.
You can start memorizing the lyrics of your choice and sing along anytime anywhere.
Learning through songs and lyrics is a fun way to improve your english.

Not everything you do when you are learning a language has to be serious. It's great to use the language you are learning to have fun and to communicate with people.

I hope you have fun singing along this song! When you have the chance, why don't you try to write a song of your own!


Kissing a fool
Song by George Micheal

You are far when I could have been your star
You listened to people who scared you to death and from my heart

Strange that you were strong enough to even make a start

But you’ll never find peace of mind

Till you listen to your heart

You can never change the way they feel
Better let them do just what they will
For they will if you let them steal
Your heart from you

People will always make a lover feel a fool
But you knew I loved you
We could have shown them all
We should have seen love through

Fooled me with the tears in your eyes
Covered me with kisses and lies
So goodbye, but please don’t take my heart

You are far I'm never gonna be your star
I'll pick up the pieces and mend my heart
Maybe I’ll be strong enough, I don’t know where to start
But I’ll never find peace of mindWhile I listen to my heart

* Repeat

And people will always make a lover feel a fool
But you knew I loved youWe could have shown them all

But remember this every other kiss
That you ever give long as we both live
When you need the hand of another man
One you really can surrender with

I will wait for you like I always do
There’s something there
That can’t compare with any other

You are far.When I could have been your star
You listened to people who scared you to death and from my heart
Strange that I was wrong enough to think you’d love me too

Guess you were kissing a fool
You must have been kissing a fool


Sample questions on Interviewing

Tell us about yourself.

What makes you special? Why should we hire you?

Tips: Prepare several selling points about yourself. Give a quick "elevator speech" that overviews your experience and achievements.

What are your greatest strengths?

How do you perceive your talents and abilities as a professional? Will you be an asset to our organization?

Tips: Sell yourself. If you don't promote your strengths, nobody else will. Prepare six or seven responses. Be "confidently humble."

What are your greatest weaknesses?

How honest are you being about yourself with us? How realistic are you?

Tips: Present your weakness as a positive. Don't talk too long or emphasize your downfalls.
Why are you interested in working here?

How dedicated are you? Do you have a passion for this type of work?
Tips: Keep your answer simple and to the point. Stay away from such responses as, "Many of my friends have worked here." This response isn't very impressive.

Why should we hire you?

Can you convince us you're "the one?" Can you sell your "product?"

Tips: Make a powerful statement about the value you'll bring to their organization. Toot your own horn, but be wary of sounding arrogant.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Will you be here for only year a before moving on, or are you committed to staying here for a while? Are you a stable person? Can you set goals for yourself?

Tips: Be aware that they might not want to hire someone who will be around for only a year or two. Feel free to say that you have one goal at the moment: to be the very best employee for that particular job.

What are some of your hobbies?
How well-rounded are you? What do you do outside of work that might transfer positively into the workplace?

Tips: Emphasize any hobbies or activities that may relate to the job. Help the interviewer learn more about you and perceive you as a person, rather than a job candidate. Therefore, don't just answer questions, respond to them.

Would you be willing to pursue an extra certificate or credential?
How is your attitude? How flexible are you?

Tips: Tell the interviewer how important professional growth is to you. Understand that the person who will impress the interviewer the most is the one willing to do the extra work.
What were you hoping we'd ask today, but didn't?

Is there anything special about yourself that you want us to know?

Tips: Consider this a "show and tell" opportunity.
Use materials from your portfolio to convince them how valuable you'll be to their organization.


How to write a cover letter

Writing a cover letter often seems like a particularly daunting task. However, if you take it one step at a time, you'll soon be an expert at writing letters to send with your resume.

A cover letter typically accompanies each resume you send out. Your cover letter may make the difference between obtaining a job interview and having your resume ignored, so, it makes good sense to devote the necessary time and effort to writing effective cover letters.

1. Research the company and the specifics about the position so you can tailor your letter to the needs of the organization.

2. Avoid using too many sentences that start with "I" or writing in the passive voice
(ex. "This experience enabled me to..." or "Through my internship, I was responsible for..."); instead, make yourself the subject of each sentence and use active descriptions
(ex., "In this internship, I demonstrated sound judgment and problem-solving skills on a daily basis.").

3. Do not use contractions (I'd, didn't, it's).

4. Spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes are out of the question! Cover letters are a reflection of your writing skills, so make each cover letter an example of your best work.

5. Be sure to sign your letters. (Black ink is suggested)

6. Keep your letter short and simple. This is not the time to tell your whole life's story.

7. Use good quality paper that matches your resume paper and envelopes.

source: Virginia Tech Career Services

Monday, May 18, 2009

Words in the news

These stress tests have divided the strong banks, who don't need any extra capital, from the weak, who now have to find new money. The US government has ordered ten of the 19 banks tested to boost their capital. Top of the list is Bank of America, with a shortfall of nearly $34 billion, followed by Wells Fargo, Citigroup and GMAC - the finance arm of General Motors. The Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, said the tests had brought reassurance and clarity:

''These actions are critical to help get lending flowing again, to make sure that there's going to be the credit necessary to help support recovery, to help this economy get back on track''.

The stress tests were designed to find out how much extra capital the banks will need to cover their losses if the recession worsens. They can try to raise the money from private investors. Wells Fargo and Morgan Stanley have already announced plans to do just that. But if that doesn't prove possible, then the US government says it will help them.

Vocabulary list

stress tests: a way of finding out how banks will cope with further financial difficulties

capital: wealth, especially a large amount of money used for producing more wealth

to boost: to increase, make larger

shortfall: amount of money which is less than is needed or expected

the finance arm: the division or part of the company which deals with money

reassurance: actions or words intended to make someone/something (here, the banks) feel less worried

clarity: the ability to be understood easily/not be confused

get lending flowing: to encourage people and banks to borrow and the movement of money to start again

back on track: return to a successful way of working, in the same way it was before

cover their losses: pay for any shortfalls which may occur

Source: CNN

Learning English with Obama

It's been described by its publishers as a huge hit in Japan - a compilation of the speeches of Barak Obama has sold well over 400,000 copies, and students at an English class in Tokyo are even memorising the new President's words to improve their own pronunciation and understanding.

CLIP English class'On behalf of the great state of Illinois let me express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of addressing this convention.'
Barak Obama's message of change has been well received in Japan where politics is often characterised by grey figures and backroom deals. The clear language of the speeches makes them an obvious choice for teaching material. But the new President's words are said to hold particular appeal.

CLIP English class followed by an English teacher- Perseverance.- Perseverance.- Just practise like that.It's from his personality, first of all. And also, his technique, his rhythm in English sound beautiful to the Japanese people who may not understand English well but still find his English as something they want to learn from.
And so, in shops across Japan the face of the new American President is a fixture on the bookshelves, as well as on the newsstands. And for students, the question of whether they'll succeed in improving their English can be answered - 'Yes we can'.

Source: BBC News, Tokyo

Monday, May 11, 2009

Talk about English

Hi all

Here is a good resource to learn English online. BBC Learning English

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What Is English?

It was once thought that English was the most difficult language to learn. It is a vast language that evolves more quickly than any other language. Being a Latin based language; English has an extensive vocabulary with complex grammar, punctuation, and syntax rules. Some even consider it to be one of the most advanced languages on the planet. Like other languages, learning English requires diligence, hard work, passion, enthusiasm, and an effort to make learning it part of your everyday life. Determination will make you prevail at mastering the English language.

If you truly want to be fluent in it you will need constant daily practice, a variety of study materials, lesson plans, guidelines, audio tapes, and possible even a tutor or mentor. With constant daily practice and a deep and sincere interest, you can make learning English easily attainable. With hard work on your part, you can soon be a fluent speaker and master of the language.

Study Tips

When you learn English, you will come across new words all the time. Even native speakers find new words in English that they have not heard before. For this reason, you should make it a habit to look up and write down the definition of any and all new words you come across. Then make an effort to learn how to pronounce them correctly and how they should be used in context.

After you have looked the word up, try to assign the word to its meaning in your language. Think of it as a new way of describing a particular action, object, or feeling. When you strive to translate a new word and assign it meaning in your language you are better able to retain the new word.

Then make an effort to replace that word with one of equal value in your language. Sometimes this is not possible. Even so, often there is a counterpart in each language that corresponds to the new word. This will enable you to memorize new words much more quickly than just by memorizing their sound and meaning and moving on.

If the definition of the new word seems elusive to you than simply look up its synonyms and antonyms. Often this will lend a clue into the meaning of the word. Doing this regularly will also impress upon your mind and make you learn English easily.

When you can easily recall these words in your mind be sure to begin using them regularly. Write them down, use them when you take notes, speak them to yourself when you reason. Make attempts to formulate sentences with these new words. Then try to play with the new words you are learning and the words you have already mastered. Switch out mastered English words for unfamiliar ones. This will teach your mind how to create speech patterns with your new language.

Once you have mastered the beginning levels of English it is time to move onto reading lessons, audio tapes, and dialogues. Be sure to use these as soon as you can grasp simple written or spoken sentences. By reading texts, following along in texts with audio recordings, and using listen and repeat dialogue tapes, you can continue to build a solid foundation in your new language.

Remember, even though English seems easy, it is a vast and difficult language to fully master without full attention and determined effort.
With the right tools and the right mindset, you can really become a fluent speaker over time. As long as you do not take shortcuts when learning you will find that you too can learn English easily.